Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Float Me Away

As Winter draws to a close(hopefully), and Spring sprouts up, Summer is on my mind. (Notice how I managed to fit every season into that sentence except Fall? Sorry, Fall). Summer, and the promise of ice cream and soft drinks combined into a fabulously bubbly Ice Cream Float.
While, as I am sure you know, the traditional Float uses root beer, I really hate root beer. Always have, and chances are, I always will. I do, however, LOVE ICE CREAM. Such is my affection for that sweet treat, I would be 100% content to eat solely ice cream for the rest of my days. It has such variety, filled with so many possibilities!
My treat today is my take on the traditional Float. While Sprite with vanilla is my current go-to Float combination, I decided to try something new, due to the utter lack of Sprite in my house.

I used ginger ale (by the time I remembered to take a picture, I had already crushed the can!)...

 ...and vanilla ice cream!...

.....stirred them up, and VOILA!

Whoops, looks like I had a little spill there! Heh.

Anyhow, I hated it. Gross, I thought. I know this blog was originally conceived for Wheat-Free Sweet success stories, but I think that seems unrealistic. Everyone makes yucky stuff sometimes, that is just the reality of sweet-making. Especially Wheat-Free Sweets.

I really do prefer it with Sprite.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hot Choco Cones

This is a great recipe I picked up from FamilyFun. It makes a fun and easy holiday gift, or ***SPOILER ALERT*** stocking stuffer.

The cone-shaped plastic bags can be hard to find, I was able to find them at the local cake decorating store, but Amazon also carries some. 

All you need food-wise is some hot cocoa powder, (mine has mini marshmallows, mixes in but just your favorite will do). 

Chocolate chips(dark, milk, white, butterscotch, or maybe a combination?), 

Miniature marshmallows,

And some extras, to serve as a "cherry". I used peppermints, but I am thinking red hard candies, red gumballs, or even a red lollipop inserted into the marshmallows would work..

Next comes the tricky part. I used a combination of guesstimating and trial-and-error to get the ratios right. I didn't measure anything, but I am sure the Family Fun website would have a tried and true system to get a realistic-looking cone. 
After filling your "cone bags", simply secure the top using twist ties or rubber bands, and VOILA. A Hot Choco Cone for any winter day.